You searched for: “more clandestine
clandestine (adjective), more clandestine, most clandestine
1. A reference to that which needs to be concealed, usually because it is illegal or unauthorized: The spy carried clandestine messages in the rim of his hat and no one suspected what he was doing.
2. Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods: Most nations have been conducting clandestine intelligence operations; however, the U.S. recently was caught in the act.
3. Characteristic of keeping or doing something in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose: Some of the movies of Peter Sellers are detective stories which, though he sneaks around in a clandestine manner, are very funny.
3. Etymology: from about 1566, from Latin clandestinus, "secret, hidden"; from clam, "secretly"; which came from the basic element of celare, "to hide, to conceal".
Descriptive of doing something in secrecy.
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Word Entries at Get Words: “more clandestine
Characteristic of keeping or doing something in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper objective; marked by hidden aims or methods. (1)